Kirjoittaja Purri » 22 Joulu 2004, 15:42
<br>I think there is no special law about hedgehogs as a pet in Finland.
<br>Or I just have not found anything...
<br>Hedgie is such a new animal as a pet here.
<br>(Of course there is law about wild hedgehogs, that you cannot have them as a pet.)
<br>There is some special laws about cats, and dogs and rabbits and rats and so on, which are very common and "old" as pets.
<br>I have found only common advices about keeping other animals, which say for example:
<br>2 §
<br>Belysningen i förvaringsutrymmet skall vara lämplig för tillgodoseende av djurets fysiologiska och beteendemässiga behov och sådan att djuret kan inspekteras och skötas på behörigt sätt.
<br>I think finnish law about pets is not really good or accurate, and there is a lots of things missing with tropical animals for example.
<br>Here is finnish law about animals in swedish <img src="" border="0" align="" alt="">
<br><a href="
" target="_new">
<br>If you can find there anything interesting...