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Vitamins and calcium
29 Elo 2005, 21:33
Kirjoittaja Maja
i wonder if you give your hedgehog vitamins and calcium and if anybody knows if the hedgehogs are able to take up vitamin D3 whit out UV-light? in the reptile world you need to have uv-light to the animal so they can take up D3 and be abel to take upp calcium but i havent heard for mor thatn one in England that uses UV-light to her hedgehogs. I wonder how you look at this in Finland.
29 Elo 2005, 21:49
Kirjoittaja Kaisa
Quite many use vitamin tablets that are ment for cats (Pirskatti is the name of the product) ocasionally. That contains many different vitamins and also calsium.
<br>Tablets are crushed to smaller portions, 1/5 part or les is enough for hedgehog. On one vets opinion it would be good to give one week that vitamin every day 3 - 4 times a year.
30 Elo 2005, 10:06
Kirjoittaja Taina
Eikös näille ulukommaan kielille ole juuri tuo Discussion forums? Vai olenko käsittänt viärin?
30 Elo 2005, 10:08
Kirjoittaja Taina
Modet, poistakaa tämä-kitoooos!
30 Elo 2005, 13:38
Kirjoittaja Tuulia
Personally I can't think of any use that comes from a UV-lamp. Hedgies are active at night and don't sunbathe anyway - at least tame hedgies. Wild ones might just be walking about at daytime once in a while, but at least my Albert doesn't move at all during the day. If I had a UV-lamp, it would be no use since Albert is sleeping under a fleece all day, and if I would leave the light on for the night he wouldn't move all night...
<br>I'm no vet so that's just my own speculation. I do feed Albert some vitamins occasionally, just to be safe, but I don't know for a fact what would be necessary.
31 Elo 2005, 11:29
Kirjoittaja Maja
yes i know but hove do they get calcium supply? i have asked our vet but haven't got any answers jet. whit reptiles they recommend UV even if it is a snake that is night living. This is my on thoughts about this and it is interesting for me anyway. I know that i can give them vitamiins and calcium but does thier bodys reserv them whitout UV. I think that in the wild even if they are night living they get in the eavning the dose of uv that thier bodys need. I have asked the same question from USA and England al al has the same answere as you al here.
31 Elo 2005, 11:32
Kirjoittaja Maja
<i>Eikös näille ulukommaan kielille ole juuri tuo Discussion forums? Vai olenko käsittänt viärin?</i>
<br>there is some discussion forum in English but it is interesting to discuss between different countries that is a way to learn more.
31 Elo 2005, 15:49
Kirjoittaja Tuulia
Well, I really don't know, so I'm just as interested as you are. I know that some of the hedgie owners here have purchased hedgehog books that are quite scientific, could someone please look this up? I myself don't have any literature on the subject, not even some "hedgie as a pet"-thingys. There's some good book from Nigel Reeves and if I remember correctly, there should be some facts.
31 Elo 2005, 21:19
Kirjoittaja Kaisa
Nigel Reeve is the writer of the good book, propably it could be found also from Sweden. Unfortunatelly I don't remember the name of the book, as it has been almost every time been referred as "se Nigel Reeven kirja"
31 Elo 2005, 21:58
Kirjoittaja Tuulia
This is the book we've talking about:
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