Please help injured and sick hedgehogs in Poland!

Hedgie discussion in English

Please help injured and sick hedgehogs in Poland!

ViestiKirjoittaja aniakin » 23 Joulu 2010, 02:12

Hi everyone,

This is my first post on this forum. I live in Finland but my home country is Poland.

I would like to make you aware of a person who dedicated his life to rescuing and rehabilitation of sick and injured hedgehogs in Poland. Andrzej lives in Krakova, and runs a charity foundation that helps hedgies injured due to e.g. road accidents or just plain stupidity of humans.
He has been doing that for the past 4 years and the scary thing of all is that he is completely alone in his work and relying on other people's financial help. Despite the fact that in Poland hedgehogs are protected species, the state does not offer any kind of support to rescue them - the foundation I mentioned is the only one in the whole 40 million inhabitants country and it's entirely supported through private donations!

The story of this man is incredible - he gave up his day job to help hedgehogs which are mostly injured due to human stupidity.
I read the article about him in a national newspaper the other day and I was completely speechless about his dedication and the fact that he sleeps only 3 hours a day and lives a very modest life, because taking care of 60 hedgehogs takes a lot of time and work (also during the night).

Andrzej is constantly struggling with financial issues, as he needs about 2000e per month to run this rehab center (50% of that amount is food cost). Some hedgehogs also require food that cannot be purchased in Poland, for example this mix:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ds/203372</a>

So any amount of cans with this food is highly appreciated and urgently needed. Today I bought 5 sets of this item, and I am planning to donate the same amount every month. This is the least I can do for those animals which ended up there because they were hurt by humans in most cases. :(

If you are able to, please help the IGLIWIAK Foundation. It is registered and acknowledged by the state institution of environmental protection. All hedgehogs have necessary documents that allow them to remain there for rehab purposes.
You can verify the foundation by contacting the Regional Board of Environmental Protection in Krakova:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>

Here is the article about him which was published recently. It's in Polish, but you can try and open it through <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>

<a href=",53668,8829461,Pan_jezy.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">,53668,8829461, ml</a>

This is the IGLIWIAK foundation website:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>

Here is the bank account number and contact data:


Mr. Andrzej Kuziomski
ul. Kapielowa 4, 30-434 Krakow, Poland

Bank details:

IBAN: PL77109016650000000114705499


Thank you for all your support. I have never been that moved by any other charity activity as with this one, and I am really determined to make people aware of the dramatic situation of this foundation.

Best regards,
New member
Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 23 Joulu 2010, 02:05

ViestiKirjoittaja aniakin » 23 Joulu 2010, 02:23

I noticed there might be some mistake in bank details, I will contact the foundation and try to get the correct IBAN and SWIFT.

Update: I corrected the bank details in the original post.
New member
Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 23 Joulu 2010, 02:05

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