Kirjoittaja Susanna » 13 Joulu 2004, 14:21
Tämä löytyi amerikkalaiselta keskustelusivustolta (alt.pets.hedgehogs) Varmaan jonkun kiihkoilijan mielipide. Toivottavasti kyseessä on huono vitsi, tai me kaikki joudumme helvettiin. heh heh..
<br>Hedgehogs are EVIL, they're the work of the devil, made to collect your
<br>souls and to turn you into brainless slaves of hell.
<br>If you like hedgehogs, you will lose your soul to be damned
<br>for eternal torment in hell.Demons and devils will feast on your soul
<br>for all eternity.
<br>So stop supporting this evil now to save your soul.
<br>Or the holy inquisition will come for you and burn your flesh to save
<br>your soul, because the devil must not collect more souls or nobody can
<br>prevent Armageddon.
<br>Hedgehogs are evil, owning them is BLASPHEMY , only heretics and
<br>witches like hedgehogs.And heretics and witches shall BURN !