Hello everybody, we have decided to open a special forum for disucssions in English to help our international friends. Unlike other forums here, the topics are not narrowed down -- anything Hedgie-related goes
<br>We are also working to translate some of the static pages into English; especially those relating to us and our association. For general information on hedgehogs (in English), please see the Hedgehog Welfare Sociatey, and the Hedgehog FAQ (available via "links" -- "Kirjallisuutta ja linkkejä" in the left-hand-side menu).
<br>The invaluable source of information on European hedgehogs, the Welsh Hedgehog Hospital, has unfortunately disappeared from the Internet. You can try to retreive information from the Internet Archives (
http://www.archive.org) by asking it for <a href="http://www.whh.org." target="_new" rel="nofollow">www.whh.org.</a> The last valid update from their site seems to be June 18th 2004.
<br>On behalf of the board of the Finnish Hedgehog Association: Welcome!