European hedgehogs

Hedgie discussion in English

European hedgehogs

ViestiKirjoittaja marcin » 01 Elo 2005, 00:35

We had a hedgehog-saturday this weekend. During Friday-Saturday night we found a hedgie wandering around our yard at the cottage near the city of Joensuu is eastern Finland. Then, on the way home, we stopped by Tiina and Jari's to pick up Rufus, who was being cared for there while we were at the cottage (2x 6h drive was not going to do Rufus any good). As we were enjoying some coffee, three hedgies came to munch on the food that Tiina leaves out for them. Some pictures are available in my gallery: <br> <br><a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"></a><br> <br>I also shot a small video with my digital camera (unfortunately, I haven't yet found a way to make it a bit more compact -- 100MB for now). You can find the video here: <br> <br><a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"> pg</a><br> <br>There are two hedgies there. One munching on some dry catfood, the other drinking from the watercup. The one drinking noticed at some point that it was being filmed, and run away, but returned about 30 seconds later. Shortly after I stopped shooting, there was a small argument about who has the right to the food. Hedgies right by nudging each other with their forhead spikes, and always try to aproach from one side. Almost never head-on. <br> <br>To complete the hedgie-saturday, we found a baby-hedgehog from this year's litter in our yard at home (Vantaa, part of the greater Helsinki area). We offered some canned catfood, but the hedgie was apparently not used to such food, and left to untouched. The food disappeared later that night at the joy of a local cat. Darn. ;-)
Viestit: 477
Liittynyt: 16 Elo 2003, 19:15

Paluu Discussion in English
