Onhan noita joskus vuosia sitten siileillekin mietitty, mutta silloin ainakin eteen nousi se, että kun siili pissaa ja kakkaa juostessaan, niin tuollainen avomallinen lautanenhan linkoaa kaiken hienosti ympäri siilin asumuksen/asunnon seiniä. Itse en ainakaan siksi tuosta innostu
*****linko kirjaimellisesti
Chinchilloilla ilmeisesti toimivat ihan jees, joten periaatteessa ei kai vikaa.
EDIT. Tässä vähän lisäinfoa, jota jenkeillä (Hedgehog Worldin palstalta) oli aiheesta antaa:
Video: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qekwixNcH78" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qekwixNcH78</a>
Monen siili tykkäsikin tuosta kovasti ja ilmeisesti on hiljainen ja helppo puhdistaa, mutta terveysongelmia voinee aiheuttaa:
<em>"there are some concerns for the way some hedgies have to run on them... they have to cross thier legs as they run, which can possibly cause leg and joint problems.
This didn't seem to be as much of a problem with the smaller hedgies, but the larger ones DID have the cross over problem.</em>"
"I hate this wheel - most hedgehogs will run on them, and most hedgehogs have strides that are too long for the width of the wheel...This causes them to cross over their inside front leg with the outside front leg. Picture an ice skater making a turn. IMHO, this will cause joint issues very quickly. So! I highly encourage people to watch closely and see if your hedgehog is doing this, or if your hedgie is small enough to make it work ok."
"Will a hedgehog run on a flying saucer? If there's no other option, then they probably will, simply because hedgehogs need to run.
But should they? This is an incredibly awkward surface to run on, if you think about it. It's not a level surface, not even close really. How well can you run on a surface where your left foot is up higher than your right? Plus it's a disc design, and on any rotating circle, the outside of the circle is moving faster than the inside. And as a result, the legs on the outside will have to be moving a lot faster than the legs on the inside."</em>
Tiivistelmänä täältä löytyy vielä pros & cons tuosta lautasesta: <a href="http://wiki.hedgehogcentral.com/tiki-index.php?page=Wheels" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://wiki.hedgehogcentral.com/tiki-index.php?page=Wheels</a>